Be an Advocate
We appreciate the support of our passionate patrons! If you're looking to share your love for the library, consider becoming an advocate. Whether it’s sending an email, making a phone call, or attending a municipal meeting, reaching out to local and state elected officials is a powerful way to let them know how important the library is to YOU! WACL depends on local and state funding, and your voice can make a real difference in securing the support we need. Let your voice be heard!
Supporting Municipalities
Findlay Township
Township Manager, Tom Garrett
Assistant Manager, Brandon Stanick
- Tom Gallant, Chairperson
- Janet Craig, Vice-Chairperson
- Ray Chappell
North Fayette Township
Township Manager, J.R. Mangan
Assistant Township Manager, Andrew Hartwell
- James Morosetti, Chairman
- Bob Doddato, Vice Chairman
- Mark O'Donnell, Treasurer
Oakdale Borough
Mayor, Steve Trusnovic
- Jonathan DeBor, Borough Council President
- Albert Pifer, Borough Council Vice President
- Bill Hartman, Jr., Councilman
- John Campbell, Sr., Councilman
- Gary Lauderbaugh
State Government
Senator Devlin Robinson (District 37 - representing Findlay, North Fayette, and Oakdale)
1700 N. Highland Road
Suite 307
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
(412) 785-3070
Representative Valerie Gaydos (District 44 - representing Findlay and North Fayette)
Moon Township
1005 Beaver Grade Road, Suite 106
Moon Township, PA 15108
FAX: 412-262-3783
Representative Jason Ortitay (District 46 - representing Oakdale)
District Office
300 Old Pond Road, Suite 205A
Bridgeville, PA 15017
FAX: 412-221-5113